Surfers and sharks: It's a special kind of relationship

Michelle Mulak

"Aren't you afraid of the sharks?"

If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me this question, I could buy a submarine. When someone finds out I'm a surfer, that is almost always the next thing out of their mouth.

Wave mavens and board riders share a love for the ocean and her waves, but that's not all they share. Surfers, stand-up paddle boarders, boogie boarders and body surfers also share a special relationship with the ocean's apex predator — sharks.

I like to think of it as mutually-respectful, cautious intrigue.

Oceanic enthusiasts tend to have more close encounters with sharks than most people, which leads to a unique understanding of the creatures.

"My heart beats a little faster when I see them, but I have the understanding that I am in their home," said Dominique Benoit, who has lived and surfed in Brevard County for much of her life. "It's important to always follow your instincts and respect the ocean. If I were to get bitten, at least I'd be doing something that I love. Fear can't hold you back from living."

Through firsthand experience, we learn what conditions and situations to avoid in the water. We learn how to react when we see a fin, when to get out of the water, and when to shrug it off. We learn how to help each other out and to be aware of our surroundings.

Most importantly, we learn how to deal with it. Sharks are part of being a surfer. This is akin to saying crashing is part of being a race car driver.

Is it risky? Yes.

Is it worth the risk? Heck yes, it is.

"There was no way that I wasn't going to surf again."

Sharon Wolfe Cranston, 53, has been surfing Brevard's waves for more than 40 years. She has an East Coast title and four national titles under her belt as a competitive surfer, and even traveled to France to compete for a world title during the height of her run.

In 1978, Sharon was bitten by a shark while surfing between Officer's Club and 2nd Light near Patrick Air Force Base.

"I had drifted down the beach away from my friends and was surfing alone over the coquina rocks," recalls Cranston. "I was doing everything I shouldn't be. I know better now."

Cranston is referring to some of the cardinal rules of shark safety that surfers and other wave riders follow: don't surf alone, steer clear of bait pods and other fishy activity, don't surf in low-light conditions, and keep an eye out near rips or rock and reef formations (fish tend to congregate in these places, making them prime feeding grounds for sharks).

Cranston was bitten on her right foot by a 4- to 5-foot-long shark. Once Sharon was safely on the beach, her friend told her that he had watched a gray fin follow her all the way in. Her injuries weren't life threatening. At the hospital, they told her that her wound was too jagged to be stitched up. She remembers heading to Cocoa Beach High School to register for her senior year on crutches.

"All I could think was — when can I surf again?" said Cranston. "Honestly, it didn't deter me one bit from what I love to do, and that's surfing."

This story is more common than you'd think.

I personally know four people who have been bitten by a shark and at least a dozen who have had scary, close encounters with one. Not one of them has stopped riding waves.

So either this means these people are borderline insane, or they understand something most people don't.

"Sharks have always been my favorite animal, and I've always had great respect for them," said Melissa Diamond, a Brevard County surfer who now travels the world in pursuit of waves, helping people across the globe along the way.

While on a philanthropic surf trip a couple of years ago in South Africa, Diamond had a run-in with a Great White shark that would prompt many people to stay on land the rest of their lives.

"A big, black fin surfaced right next to me. It was so close that I could have touched it," Diamond said.

A massive great white shark circled Diamond several times. She was paralyzed by fear until a friend screamed at her to move. She paddled for the next wave with the huge fin trailing close behind. Luckily this story has a happy ending and concludes with Melissa standing on the beach in one piece, hugging her friends and thanking God.

Do you think that she quit surfing? Not a chance.

For many surfers and wave riders, a close call with a shark is more of a learning opportunity than a deterrent.

"I have been fishing and surfing my whole life," said Shane Shewfelt, an Orlando resident who spends many of his weekends on Brevard's beaches. "This ocean is their home, and I realize that. I've had several encounters with sharks here, and each has been unique. I make a judgment call each time about whether or not to get out of the water."

Shewfelt makes an interesting point about how the decision to get out of the water is a judgment call. This concept might seem baffling to non-ocean enthusiasts.

You mean that sometimes when you see a shark in the water you don't get out immediately?

Factors like the presence of a bait pod, the shark's behavior, the type and size of the shark, the clarity of the water and the time of day all play a role in making this call.

Does this sound crazy? Maybe a little, but for people who love to ride waves the idea of quitting for the day sometimes sounds equally insane — especially when the conditions are just right.

We know there are always sharks in the ocean. Every time we head out into the waves, sharks are with us. Accepting this is part of becoming an experienced wave rider.

So while the rest of the East Coast is held captive by the stream of fear-inducing shark stories, we wave riders make peace with what's beneath the surface and move on.

After all, we have waves to catch.

Michelle Mulak is the fitness & water reporter for FLORIDA TODAY. Contact Michelle at or 321-242-3669. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram @MobilizeBrevard or on Twitter @MichelleMulak.

Shark Safety Tips for Wave-Riders

Be observant. Watch for bait pods and steer clear if you notice one. Are there pelicans dive bombing near you? This is often an indicator of plentiful bait, which might mean that there are bigger fish feeding nearby. Does it smell fishy? That could be because of an abundance of oily bait fish, or a recent feeding frenzy. Either way, that's not a good thing.

Stick together. You shouldn't paddle out alone for many reasons. That being said, the day will come when you likely will. Don't go to an empty beach. If there are other surfers in the water, stay near them (without crowding their space, of course). The more legs dangling in the water, the better your odds, right?

•Stay away from fisherman. Sometimes a group of beach anglers will set up shop right in front of you and your perfect little break. Go ahead and mutter a few choice words under your breath, and then paddle to a new spot. Hooks, fishing line and chummed up water? It's not worth the risk.

Low light is risky. The saying goes, "dark time, shark time." When there is plenty of overhead light, sharks can more clearly see what is bobbing on the surface (you). When light is low because of atmospheric conditions or dusk, they can't make you out as clearly. This combined with nighttime feeding patterns make bites much more likely during low-light conditions.

•Don't be bloody, buddy. Sure, they can smell blood, but not in the supersonic predatory way that you grew up believing. But if you get cut or are bleeding, get out.

•If you see a fin: First things first, relax. Is it a dolphin? They have a more curved fin than sharks and tend to come out of the water in an arc, like a rainbow. Shark fins are triangular, and when they surface, they do it in more of a straight line. Sting ray wings can really look like shark fins to the untrained eye. Look for a second wing or lateral movement of the "fin." If you're unsure, pull your arms and legs up and watch quietly for a moment. If you think you're seeing a shark, calmly start moving toward shore. Catch the next wave that comes, and ride it all the way to the beach on your belly if need be. Chances are good that the shark is just passing through and will move on in a few minutes.